Wednesday, October 1, 2008
when hari raya i got about $ took so long to got prepare.i went 11 houses and 7 cars in a big group.we got back at was tiring but it was family and i wearing purple dress the rest are blue,green,backand white.but when we go to the last house is my brother in-law,he have pets that was 3 snakes,1 mouse,squirrel and porcupine.i was shouted in amazement.we had our fun today i am goin to my aunties houses.....................................
when hari raya i get $107.......only 3 house and i get tis such money i can't believe leh....well i go to my grandmother house and ma untie ma untie house very disturbing u known y?ther has cat at the house
.....wen i wannt to apologise u know right wen hari raya we need to apologise to people....the cat arhh so kepo alway take people attention....
tis is my niece....cute right ?the name is iryn ayuni.....this is the first i got a niece..hehe....k lah gtg dada time i will continue...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
On my father birthday it was very fun.Because I play many game with my cousin and the cake big and nice.

i can't go to national day because i have a family problem........too sad,all my fwen were very happy acepts me alone........k lah don.t want to talk about this again later i very sad.........bye will be continue don't be sad......da da

ABoUt Me..
MY LIFE WAs tOtAlLy mIzErAbLe..EvErYdAy gOt a pRoBlEM....I dOn`t kNOw WhO To
ShArE mY pRoBlEM WiT....bEiNg mYsElF Is So haRD!!I DON`t KNOW To exPrEsS My fEeLiNg i NfRONt oF My fAmIlY..IwAnT A WaY OuT..i`M So StReEsEd...ThErE To mUcH ThInGs aBOuT mE!!oNe dAy i wiSH i cAn soLVe iT..hAiz...i WaNt a fREeDoM oNe dAy..Maybe...By tHe WAy iSrUn oUt oF time..
Friday, August 8, 2008
Hi fRIeNd
.....................................8oF aUg....We cElEBrAtE NaTiOnAl dAy aT OuR ScHoOL...iS So dAmN bEsT...OuR ClAsS HaViNg cHeEr SiNgApOrE..i`m sO NErVoUs....wE SiNg AnD Sing..Mr. ..N..G.. y.O.u. .aRevErY FuNnY WiTh mR.ChoW hAxHaX..iF TeAcHeR DaYS coNcErT I HoPe yOU PeRforM On tEaChEr dAy..OoOpPpSsyYy mY BaD...HhAaA...Is So bOrEd mDm lAi cAn` T CeLeBrTe wItH Us NaToNaL DaY!!!nOw i KnOw MdM LaI...iS So pReCiOuS tO Us..HaiZHaIz..ImIsS HeR AlOt..IF MdM Lai iS ReAdIng oUr bLoG..i wIlL WrItE A SimPlE MsG To hER..OuR ClaSs lOvE YU MdM LaI...*MUaCkZ*.tIlL HeRE Tc.. bE LoVeD By ClaSs aTiQaH:]